DeVos Should Want to Educate Men About Rape

During my senior year of college, I spent many evenings in fraternity houses. I didn’t show up, like most did, to drink too much and dance badly. Instead, I was the ultimate buzz kill: As a rape crisis counselor, I was there to talk to fellow young men about how to...

How I Used A Haircut To Teach My Daughter About Consent

My daughter’s first haircut was over six months in the making. When she was almost two-and-a-half, we began to talk about cutting her hair. She’d sit in the tub, conditioner slathered into her honey-blonde ringlets, as I gently combed the tangles out. It helped the...

How Taylor Swift's Victory Could Affect Sexual Assault Cases

Taylor Swift was awarded exactly $1 for her victory in civil court Monday, but the award could represent much more for victims of sexual assault. After a Denver jury found that a preponderance of evidence showed that former radio DJ David Mueller had groped the pop...

How The Term “The Friend Zone” Perpetuates Rape Culture & Sexism

There’s no such thing as the friend zone. Yeah, I said it, and it’s probably about time we stopped using it as an excuse for not getting what we want. Really, the ‘friend zone’ is a socially constructed coping mechanism used primarily by men to make their female...