4 Ways We Teach Boys It’s Normal To Pressure Girls Sexually

If you grew up in the United States, it is almost inevitable that you’ve been subject to a few standard aphorisms. These include things like: “Anyone can make it here if they try hard enough,” “Nothing worth having comes easy,” “Hard work pays off,” “Winners never...

What A First Kiss Feels Like After A Sexual Assault

Reddit user throwawayballet shared a victory with the world, “I like kissing again!” The story, which surged to the top of the front page of the Internet, highlights a widespread but often private plight among survivors of sexual assault: Even the smallest gestures of...

What's Rape Anxiety?

A couple years ago, I had a conversation with some of my guy friends that I’ll never forget. We were talking about whether there’s such a thing as “a good rape joke” (answer: no), and I mentioned that women tend to have “rape anxiety” in public. They...