How To Identify Toxic Masculinity In Your Life

We’re all familiar with the “fairy tale” version of the heteronormative expectations associated with masculinity — in this sense, the term denotes a virile, strong man who likes women and is relentlessly tough and brave in equal measure. There are...

7 Reasons So Many Guys Don’t Understand Sexual Consent

The following sentence applies regardless of when you read this: A famous man has recently been accused of doing sexual things to a woman (or many women) without consent. At the time of this writing, it was a politician’s “groping” scandal but next...

The One Piece of Dating Advice That Has To End

When it comes to dating advice, veer away from tips that reek of entitlement. That seems simple and self-evident enough, yet time and again we see men’s magazines publishing advice columns that emphasize the importance of dogged persistence in dating. Here are a...