7 Things You May Not Think Are Sexual Assault Or Abuse, But Are

Our culture has this collective image of sexual assault that involves a stranger attacking and raping a woman with physical force — and yes, that certainly is sexual assault. But there are also many forms of sexual assault and a broad range of victims and perpetrators...

Everything We Know About False Rape Accusations Is WRONG

False rape accusations loom large in the cultural imagination. We don’t forget the big ones: The widely-read 2014 Rolling Stone article, later retracted, about a brutal gang rape at the University of Virginia; the 2006 accusations against innocent members of the Duke...

Trump Policies Empower Abusers, Not Victims

A 36-year-old woman finally gets the courage to flee her partner, who abused her physically and sexually for years. She seeks assistance from the police and Family Court, working closely with detectives and district attorneys as they attempt to bring criminal charges...