Lady Gaga, Joe Biden Planning Centers For Sexual Assault Survivors

Amid the numerous sexual assault and harassment scandals rocking Hollywood and politics, Lady Gaga and Joe Biden could soon be partnering on a groundbreaking initiative to provide support to victims around across the country. “Women who are abused end up having...

How #MeToo United The Women's Convention

Nearly everyone at the Women’s Convention had a story. One woman told a packed conference room that she had been abducted and raped as a child, and her parents hadn’t noticed. Another told a group of potential Emily’s List candidates about how she...

What Experts Know About Men Who Rape

He sat by his phone, skeptical that it would ring. “I didn’t think that anyone would want to respond,” said Samuel D. Smithyman, now 72 and a clinical psychologist in South Carolina. But the phone did ring. Nearly 200 times. At the other end of the line were a...

A Note To Survivors Who Aren’t Ready to Share Their Sexual Assaults

There has been a lot of talk this week and last about the bravery of those who have come forward to say they experienced sexual harassment or assault by former Hollywood studio head Harvey Weinstein. From A-list actresses to former employees of a man who now stands...